Friday, January 18, 2013

Kuwagata II Beachcomber

Model Number: DMS-177-4
Codename: Kuwagata II Beachcomber
Systems:  Jet Skis
Weapons: 2 x Head Vulcan, 2 x Shoulder-mounted Micromissile Launcher, 2 x Arm-mounted 2-tube Grenade Launcher, Backpack-mounted 2-tube Heavy Missile Launcher, 2 x Leg-mounted 4-tube Missile Launcher, Submachinegun, Shield (mounts 2 x Beam Saber)

Notes: This Kuwagata II variant is designed for amphibious assaults. Unlike marine mobile suits, it travels across the surface of the water using the large fans on its back for propulsion while using its various missile launchers to bombard enemy forces on the shore. These fans can also provide limited flight. The skis can be ejected for close-quarters combat.

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