Friday, January 18, 2013

Kuwagata II Leviathan

Model Number: DMS-177-3
Codename: Kuwagata II Leviathan
Systems:  Hydrothrusters, Beam Deflection Field
Weapons: 2 x Shoulder-mounted Micromissile Launcher, 2 x Arm-mounted 2-tube Grenade Launcher, Backpack-mounted Guided Beam Cannon, 2 x Backpack-mounted 8-tube Torpedo Launcher, 2 x Backpack-mounted Large Grappling Claw, Underwater-use Beam Rifle, Twin Beam Trident

Notes: This marine-use Kuwagata II uses a specially-tuned Beam Deflection Field to improve its hydrodynamics. This same field, emitted from the large shields on its backpack, can be used to deflect enemy beam fire and guide its own beam cannon fire.

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