Friday, January 18, 2013

Kuwagata II Magus

Model Number: DMS-177-2
Codename: Kuwagata II Magus
Systems:  Compact Psycommu
Weapons: 2 x Head Vulcan, 2 x Shoulder-mounted Micromissile Launcher, 2 x Arm-mounted 2-tube Grenade Launcher, Heavy Beam Machinegun, Shield (mounts Beam Saber, 3 x Beam Gun), 6 x Small Dragoon (mounts 2 x Beam Gun), 3 x Large Dragoon (mounts 9 x Beam Gun)

Notes: After the Kuwagata Xerxes and its unconventional remote weapons proved successful, an improved model featuring more Dragoons was quickly developed, though the Psycommu had to be mounted in a large backpack since the Kuwagata II was incompatible with the Xerxes' Compact Psycommu.

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