Friday, January 18, 2013

Kuwagata II Starbomb

Model Number: DMS-177-6
Codename: Kuwagata II Starbomb
Systems: 5 x Beam Barrier Emitter, creates 360-degree Beam Barrier
Weapons: 2 x Head Vulcan, 2 x Shoulder-mounted Micromissile Launcher, 2 x Arm-mounted 2-tube Grenade Launcher, 4 x Hip-mounted Beam Saber, Beam Shield (mounts Beam Gun), 2 x Backpack-mounted Beam Cannon, Beam Assault Rifle

Notes: The Starbomb is one of the most advanced Kuwagata mobile suits, possessing incredible mobility and space and the best defenses of any non-Newtype-use variant. In addition to being a superior space combat mobile suit, the Starbomb is also able to use its Beam Barrier for protected atmospheric re-entry, encasing itself in a near-impenetrable energy shield that protects it from incoming enemy attacks and the harmful effects of friction. This extraordinary system also makes it one of the most expensive variants.

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